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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Hitched Up and Ready to Go

We hitched up a couple days early to allow any time needed to make a hitch adjustment. Since this is the first time our new truck has been lashed to our fifth wheel, we were surprised to find that the combination matched up the same as our old truck and hitch. No adjustments needed.
On January 22 we drove to Boca Chica to check the properties out east. The new SpaceX launch pad is about one mile west of the beach at the end of Highway 4. Over the last few years we have watched as the facilities and launch pad were constructed. This year we got to see this stainless-steel-clad vehicle, with a decidedly retro look. It  is an experimental prototype for SpaceX’s “Starship”, which the company plans to fly around the moon and eventually to Mars with humans aboard.
The next day after we took these pictures, high winds blew the nose cone over, delaying their scheduled launch date.

We are still finding a few tires on LRGV Refuge Tracts.
These came from the San Francisco Banco Tract.
We always try to find interesting places for our lunch breaks.
This beautiful spot is overlooking the Rio Grande River, just east of Penitas.
Surprised to find a flooded road at the Tecolocte (Owl) Tract,
during a drought.
Spotted this javelin at Benson Palms State Park.
Discovered this turtle while inspecting fence
in the arm of the Tenente Tract.
Spring has arrived. We observed hundreds of butterflies
sitting in thistle patches along the north boundary road at Tenente.
While changing signs we came across this young tarantula.
Last year, Virginia spent hundreds of hours converting our Champagne Years Blog into a PDF format for printing. This winter she completed a similar book for the first five years of our life in our Excel. These books are a great reference to our life on the road and will give us something to look back at while sitting in our rocking chairs someday.
Almost two years ago our Daughter, Kelly, and her family moved from Austin to Westminster, Maryland, north of Baltimore. During that time they have been renting a house. At the end of March, they purchased this cute 70 year old house. There are updates and repairs needed along with general cleaning. We flew up to Maryland and spent the first week of April helping get this project started.
Grandma and Grandpa with the
Grand kids.