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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ya Gotta Love "The Valley"

For the non-Texans out there, we are talking about the Rio Grande Valley in the very south tip of Texas. We arrived here in Harlingen January 6 and sure have been enjoying the sunshine, fresh picked oranges and grapefruit along with the warm days. We have also enjoyed some of the activities here at Tropic Winds RV Resort. Kurt even won $23 at Bingo last evening. We can almost live on that for 2 days!!! That's a laugh.

We had a feeling the daylight hours are longer here in South Texas, but we wondered if there was really that much difference or if it was our imagination. We decided to find out. Today, January 15, we checked the length of the daylight in three places. Detroit, Dallas, and Harlingen. Today Detroit had 9 hours, 26 minutes of daylight (sunrise to sunset), Dallas had 10 hours, 13 minutes, and Harlingen had a whopping 10 hours and 41 minutes. We knew that days were longer as we move further south but we were surprised that the difference was that great. A total of 1 hour and 15 minutes more daylight. Even an additional 28 minutes in Harlingen compared to Dallas was more than we had expected considering the distance. Gee whiz, the difference in daylight hours is almost as much as the difference in temperature!