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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another Season Completed at LRGV

We finished up another season working at Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. After departing the Valley on Monday, we stopped in Victoria for a couple of days.

Our favorite lunch spot at Boca Chica Beach
This season we had extremely dry conditions which made the properties along the river very accessible. We were able to inspect properties, work fences and repost refuge signs along areas that are frequently too wet and some two-track roads that we had never driven.

We had a lot of luck finding old tires for the "Dump"
We estimated that we picked up about 600 this year.
Over time it seems like we are making a difference.

This corner was so covered with brush, we didn't
even see this large brown sign before we cleared it.

Beautiful little cactus blooming at
Los Ebanos in February

1 comment:

Mark & Teri said...

You guys are great! I know that the refuge folks really appreciate the work that you do.