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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Grays Harbor - Our First Stop on the Olympic Peninsula

We have a beautiful and quiet site at Hoquiam River RV Park, on the Hoquiam River and Grays Harbor. Our windows face this tranquil river scene. Since we are located very near the Pacific Ocean we watch the water level of the river fluctuate up to ten feet each day. As the ocean tides come in and go out the river actually flows both directions.
Deck at Hoquiam River RV Park
Beautiful, but invasive, Foxgloves grow in
all the disturbed areas along the roads.
The weather has been unseasonably warm and dry. Taking advantage of this we headed south on this segment of our peninsula tour. Starting at Bottle Beach State Park and then continuing along the coast to Westport and on to Tokeland, we completed a small circle tour returning to Hoquiam.
First glimpse of the Olympic Mountains from
Bottle Beach State Park.
Spotted our first bald eagle of the trip.
Grays Harbor at Westport had plenty of boats
and plenty of harbor seals.
Grays Harbor Light House,
the tallest in the state
 At Furford Cranberry Museum, we learned everything
we ever wanted to know about cranberries.
The many cranberry fields that grow in the Grays Harbor
area were in their spring bloom.
The Tokeland Hotel and Restaurant was our stop
for a late lunch.
This 1889 hotel is the oldest still operating
 in Washington state.


Kathy and Eric said...

love your pictures. the sky is soooo blue!

Virginia said...

Thank you.We had some beautiful weather. No photo shop.