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Thursday, May 2, 2024

South Texas Refuge Complex - Season 15

We have just completed our 15th season volunteering for Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. We always enjoy our multi-faceted volunteer work here. It gives us an opportunity to stay active while we assist with the never-ending tasks at the refuge tracts. With the season complete, we wanted to post some of our favorite memories from this winter.
This year public use at La Sal del Ray tract was expanded.  As a result, we increased maintenance visits to a weekly schedule for public areas and trails.  This freshwater spring is for the animals since the lake itself is toxic due to very high salt content.
Christmas 2023 was quiet. The volunteer group went to Black Bear Diner in McAllen for Christmas Dinner.
In January, we were able to swap our '07 Chevy truck for a '13 Ford. 
While visiting San Antonio overnight, someone decided to look under our tonneau cover. They scored a twelve pack of water for their efforts. We ordered and installed a new cover when we got "home".
We also got new tires this winter after one was severely damaged by a large bolt.
This old hunting cabin on the Payne Refuge Tract has slowly deteriorated over the years. On our first visit to this property (15 years ago), it was all intact and we looked around inside. Now it is ruled by the buzzards.
It is a camouflaged Border Patrol camera in the tree. 
A small chapel on the La Grulla Tract
Easter at South Padre Island
A favorite lunch stop on a bluff overlooking the Rio Grande from the Arroya Ramirez tract. On clear days we can see the distant mountains in Mexico.
Glean 'Em and Clean 'Em, nothing like fresh Texas onions.

We had 93% coverage here in the Rio Grande Valley along with cloud cover. But we still got to see it through the thin clouds.

Road Closed
We added a new fence to the new Civil War observation deck at Boca Chica.

We cared for this very active stray dog for ten days until a home was found. He had wandered into the RV Campground starving and very needy. He had grown attached to us, but a dog doesn't fit with our lifestyle.
In the Spring, this ladder-backed woodpecker began tapping on our windows for hours on end. He was relentless, thankfully no damage. We hoped he wouldn't follow us north.
We spotted this tarantula while working in the field.

The Yuccas were very showy this year.
For two weeks in early March the desert was covered in wild poppies.
Flowering blackbrush adorned the hills.
Cactus at Los Olmos
Flowering Retama, the only time they look nice.

Virginia left Kurt in South Texas and flew to Maryland to visit with the grand kids for a long week-end.
We went to an auto show and Jacob picked his future car, a Shelby.
We made corn tortillas one evening to go with our Birria Tacos. Kelly was responsible for cooking them, while Julia and Virginia made the dough.
Sunday dinner consisted of quiche made by Julia. They were outstanding. We used Great grandma Bollman's pie crust recipe.
Hannah made a Texas Cheesecake for Virginia's last dinner in town.
Spring has arrived in Westminster, Maryland.
Hard to believe these boys are identical twins and celebrating their 15th birthday.

We left Marinoff on April 30, starting our trek northward, beginning with Lake Somerville Corp of Engineer Park near Brenham, Texas.


Teri said...

Looks like yall had another successful winter in the valley.
Hope to see some posts from you during your summer travels!

Mark & Teri said...

It sounds like ya'll had another great season! Congrats on the new work truck, and so sorry about the damage to your bed topper in San Antonio. Every time we park there I wonder about theft or vandalism. Wishing you a great summer and hoping to hear all about the places that you visit!