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Saturday, June 15, 2024

Lake Superior North Shore Scenic Drive

Staying in Duluth, we spent several days exploring the scenic drive which follows the northwest coast of Lake Superior from Duluth to the Canadian border. Along this 150-mile scenic drive the lake is almost always in view. 
We stopped at many of the pull outs which seemed to be placed about every mile.
McQuade Small Craft Harbor
Beautiful view from the Buchanan Historical Marker, a town from times gone by.
Freighters were passing on the horizon.

The #332 steam locomotive was built by the Pittsburgh Locomotive Works in 1906 for the Duluth, Missabe and Northern. It was retired in 1965 after hauling freight, lumber products and logs, In the Fall of 2013, a restoration project began to bring the engine back to operating condition. It operated for the first time in 2017 on the North Shore Scenic Railroad. It currently runs about six times a year and for special occasions. We were fortunate to see it running on one of the six scheduled days for 2024.
Two Harbors Iron Ore Docks.
Every year about 12 million tons of taconite are shipped out headed south to the steel mills in the lower Great Lakes where it is then unloaded into a blast furnace and converted into steel.
We watched as the 1000-foot Presque Isle pulled up to the loading dock.
Conveyer belts are lowered from the dock to transfer the iron pellets into the hold of the ship.
Walking out on the pier to the Two Harbors Lighthouse.
This pier protects the harbor and the iron ore docks. Lake Superior's average temperature is 40 degrees. We noticed the temperature dropping as we proceeded to the end of the breakwater.
Two Harbors Lighthouse Museum

In 1994, after three years of blasting and the removal of a million cubic yards of rock, this tunnel was completed.
The old highway was constructed in 1923 on the side of a 125-foot cliff. With the tunnel constructed, it is now closed to traffic, and a walk to a scenic overlook.

This is one of the most popular waterfalls along the North Shore.
There is an upper, middle and lower falls.
We hiked the trail to the upper falls first.
The Middle Falls
The Lower Falls

This 300-foot-wide pink beach is formed from the waves crashing against the rhyolite cliff and forming smooth pink pebbles. 
We watched a paddle boarder as he navigated along the cliff edge on the unusually calm glassy Lake Superior. 

Split Rock Lighthouse is located southwest of Silver Bay, Minnesota, on the North Shore of Lake Superior. 
With the abundance of shipwrecks at Split Rock, the lighthouse was built in 1910. The Lighthouse was a navigational aid for over 60 years.
The Minnesota Historical Society maintains the site.
We climbed the stairs to view the lens and rotation gear mechanism.
Three identical brick houses were built for the lighthouse keeper and his two assistants and their families.
One of the lighthouse keeper's homes was open for touring.

Silver Bay Safe Harbor
Rocky Taconite
This Silver Bay plant transforms iron ore into taconite pellets. Silver Bay, at one time, was the largest shipping port for iron ore.

Just north of Silver Bay is Black Sand Beach. We thought of palm trees but found birch trees.
Taconite tailings dumped into the lake for 25 years created the black "sand."
We have seen black sand beaches before, but those were formed by volcanic rock.
The water was like glass on this quiet protected beach.
We watched as an ore freighter approached the docks in nearby Silver Bay.

From Palisade Head we could see the Apostle Islands just 30 miles to the southeast.
These cliffs are composed of igneous rhyolite and are a favorite for rock climbers.
The high point of Palisade Head measures more than 300 feet above Lake Superior's surface.

The lupin in full bloom at our lunch stop
Tail Gate Lunch at Taconite Harbor near Schroeder.

The waterfalls were flowing strong after all the rain the night before.

In 1846, Father Baraga and a guide set out in a small canoe from Wisconsin when a severe storm almost cost them both their lives. After making it to shore at this point, he constructed a wooden cross (later replaced with a more permanent one) out of thanksgiving to God for his miraculous safe passage. 


Hidden Falls were once 300 feet across during the glacial melt.
Temperance River Falls are downstream from Hidden Falls.
The Temperance River empties into Lake Superior.

Boarding the Summit Express Gondola to the top of Moose Mountain.
Going Up
Grand view from the top of Moose Mountain.
The gondola takes you over 1,000 feet above Lake Superior.
We thought about our three days touring the North Shore as we descended Moose Mountain. The North Shore Scenic Drive is beautiful. We really enjoyed our shoreline drive along this amazing road.

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