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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Craters of the Moon National Monument

Less than a 100 mile drive from Camas NWR lies the 750,000 acre national monument called Craters of the Moon. It received its name at the beginning of the 20th century when locals referred to the area as "craters of the moon." We now know better, as this was before Neil took his first step on the lunar surface.
There is a seven mile loop road that provides access to hiking trails, lava tube caves and viewpoints. The most recent eruption occurred a mere 2,000 years ago, and geologists believe that future events are likely.
The park was fully adorned in wildflowers during
our late May visit.

A short but steep 1/2 mile trail leads to the
top of Inferno Cone
From here you can see the cinder cones lined
up along the Great Rift and a great 360° view.
Indian Tunnel Lava Tube

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