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Thursday, July 30, 2015

City of Rocks National Reserve

Last Friday afternoon we drove southwest to the town of Albion, Idaho, to stay overnight, this allowed us all the next day to explore City of Rocks National Reserve. The reserve is located in a very remote area just north of the Utah border and has very little in terms of accommodations.  We found the Albion Bed and Breakfast, located in an old teachers training school, built in 1907. All the rooms are remodeled classrooms and named accordingly; Math Room, Geography Room, Arts and Crafts Room and the room where we stayed, the Principal's Suite.

The front of Albion Bed and Breakfast
We spent Saturday exploring the National Reserve. This was a popular camping area for the wagon trains along the California Trail. Emigrants along the Trail describe the rocks here in vivid detail as "a city of tall spires,” “steeple rocks," and "the silent city." Today, this backcountry byway attracts rock climbers, campers, hikers, hunters, and those with the spirit of adventure. The elevation ranges from 5800 to 8800 feet. There are 22 miles of defined trails or you can make your own.

The pioneer's favorite stopping place
was called Camp Rock.
Some of their signatures still remain. 
Window Rock is a great place for pictures.

Watching rock climbers at
Parking Lot Rock

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