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Friday, August 7, 2015

Lewis and Clark Back Country Byway and Adventure Road

Friday, July 31, we took a day trip to Lemhi Pass National Historic Landmark. This 36 mile scenic loop along a gravel road is through mountains, evergreen forest, high desert canyons and grassy foothills. The loop begins and ends in Tendoy, Idaho, about 20 miles south of Salmon. This Byway traces the path where Lewis and Clark crossed the Continental Divide in the Bitterroot Mountain Range.

We saw this moose on the way to Tendoy.
We also saw a bear near Lemhi Pass,
but he was too fast to take his picture.
The Corp of Discovery arrived here August 12, 1805

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Sharkey Hot Springs
is a good place to stop along the Byway for
a picnic and a quick dip.

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